Tue Sep 26 07:44:00 UTC 2017
In South Africa where 14 million people do not know where their next meal is coming from, Free State community garden Kgaugelo Ya Sechaba’s partnership with Shoprite continues to make a sustainable contribution towards fighting hunger.
Shoprite got involved with training and capacitating Kguagelo’s already established food garden, as well as training community members to manufacture various products such as creams, tinctures and essential oils using medicinal herbs.
Shoprite's implementation partner, Food & Trees for Africa, facilitated various workshops aimed at enabling members to increase the yield of the food garden. This included specific training on the use of herbs for cooking and medicinal purposes, and for products to be sold to generate much needed funds to help Kgaugelo to become self-sufficient.

Kgaugelo is a community project in Botshabelo, outside Bloemfontein, which includes a feeding scheme, aftercare, youth programmes and skills development programmes focused on income generation for “gogos”. About 100 families benefit from this centre.
Mindful of the importance of sustainability and income generation, Shoprite bought sewing machines, beads and materials to assist with the community’s income-generating projects. It also donated overalls, kitchen equipment, stationery and computers to assist pupils with homework.
The centre also collects surplus food from Shoprite Botshabelo, and children in the community get a nutritious meal on a daily basis from the Lunchbox Fund.
Support for Kgaugelo forms part of Shoprite’s Hunger Relief strategy, a pillar of its commitment to #ActForChange in the communities in which it operates.