Shareholders and investors

Creating value for our shareholders

The Shoprite Group strives to generate long-term sustainable growth for our equity investors through our established food retail business operations across the African continent. Our purpose is to uplift lives every day by pioneering access to the most affordable goods and services, creating economic opportunity and protecting our planet.

Key information from continuing operations for the 26 weeks ended 31 December 2023:



+ 7.6%   + 13.9%  



+ 10.7%   + 7.7%  

14 DEC 2023 Half-year closed period commences
Half-year voluntary operational update 
5 MARCH Half-year financial results announcement and presentation (webcast)
APRIL Payment of interim ordinary dividend (if approved)*
14 JUNE Financial year-end closed period commences
BY END AUG* Full year voluntary operational update
3 SEP Full year financial results announcement and presentation (webcast)
SEP RMB | Morgan Stanley Conference (Cape Town)
14 OCT Publication of 2024 Integrated Report and notice of Annual General Meeting
OCT Pre-AGM shareholder engagement (REM policy focus)
OCT Payment of final ordinary dividend (if approved)*
28-29 OCT JSE SA Tomorrow Conference (New York)
11 NOV Annual General Meeting
11 NOV First quarter 2025 financial year voluntary operational update 
14-15 NOV Investec CEO Conference (London)
13 DEC
Half-year closed period commences
*NOTE: The estimated dividend payment date is based on this reporting schedule. In the event reporting dates change, the dividend payment date will be updated accordingly.
All dates listed above are subject to change. 

What sets us apart

We want Shoprite to lead in South African retail and be counted among the world’s best retailers. To achieve this we focus on optimising and growing our core retail activities while we capitalise on opportunities to be a smarter, more customer-driven business, closing the gaps in key segments and investing in long-term opportunities to unlock alternative revenue streams.

Become a shareholder

The Group is listed in South Africa on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), with secondary listings on the stock exchanges of Zambia, Namibia and A2X. Listed, ordinary shares are traded on the open market for anyone to buy, but we’re not able to assist with this process. To buy our shares, contact a registered stockbroker and/or financial institution authorised to assist and advise you. 

Shoprite Checkers B-BBEE Employee Benefit Trust

Shoprite Holdings announces R8.9 billion evergreen B-BBEE employee trust at its subsidiary Shoprite Checkers Pty Ltd.