Tue Dec 22 14:48:04 UTC 2009
The Shoprite and Checkers “Toy 4 Toy” campaign will be distributing more than 32 000 toys as gifts to less fortunate children across South Africa during this festive season.
This campaign, which is held annually and presented in conjunction with Child Welfare South Africa, urges consumers to donate new or used toys to underprivileged children. For every toy that consumers donated, Shoprite Checkers matched it with a brand new toy.
Thank you to everyone who donated a toy and assisted Shoprite Checkers and Child Welfare South Africa in adding joy to the lives of so many of our country’s less fortunate children.
Shoprite and Checkers recently handed over some of the toys from the 2009 Toy 4 Toy Campaign to Child Welfare South Africa. Pictured below are: Nataniël (Ambassador Child Welfare South Africa), Maryke Visser (Director: Corporate Social Responsibilty, Shoprite Checkers) and Ashley Theron (National Executive Director of Child Welfare South Africa).