Thu Nov 19 14:42:56 UTC 2009
This Christmas you can help us to bring some festive cheer to some of the many less fortunate children in South Africa by donating toys to the annual Shoprite and Checkers TOY 4 TOY campaign.

Through the public’s generous giving during the 2008 TOY 4 TOY campaign Shoprite Checkers was able to distribute more than 20 000 toys amongst needy children across the country. Let’s spread some Christmas cheer this festive season and bring a smile to the faces of needy children by assisting Ted and Rob (left), the official Toy 4 Toy campaign mascots, with the collection of more toys than ever this year.
While most of us look forward to a cheerful festive season filled with an abundance of gifts that we buy for and receive from our loved ones, many children in South Africa face a far bleaker Christmas. Shoprite Checkers has therefore teamed up with Child Welfare South Africa for the TOY 4 TOY campaign that urges consumers to donate new or used toys to less privileged children. For every toy that consumers donate towards this campaign, Shoprite Checkers will match it with a brand new toy.
From Friday, 13 November until Monday, 14 December all South African citizens can make a contribution by buying or bringing toys and placing them in the Golden Trolleys in front of all Shoprite, Checkers, and Checkers Hyper stores countrywide.
Customers who purchase a new toy at a Checkers or Shoprite to donate, also stand a chance of winning one of ten Shoprite or Checkers shopping vouchers to the value of R5 000 each. To qualify for the lucky draw, which will take place on 18 December, customers must attach their till slip to the Toy 4 Toy entry form and place it in the Toy 4 Toy entry box in the store.