
Jan 16, 2012


(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration no. 1936/007721/06
ISIN: ZAE000012084
JSE share code: SHP
NSX share code: SRH
LuSE share code: SHOPRITE
(“the Group”)


For the six months ending December 2011 the Shoprite Group grew turnover by 13,2% to some R41,1 billion. Growth on a like-for-like basis was 8,0%. CPI is projected to be 5.8% for the six months.

The supermarket operation in South Africa increased sales by 12,3% and by 6,8% on a like-for-like basis. Internal food inflation for the period was on average 5.0% compared to an official food inflation figure estimated at 9,0%.

Supported by a healthy growth in the demand for general merchandise, sales for the month of December was 15,5% higher than in the corresponding period.

The rand weakened against most non-RSA currencies resulting in the Group’s non-RSA supermarkets achieving a sales growth of 21,2% for the period and 13,9% on a like-for-like basis. At constant currencies a rand turnover growth of 16,9% was achieved. New stores in Angola and Nigeria resulted in above-average growth.

The Group’s furniture division increased sales by 13,6% for the six months in a sector strongly impacted by the economic downswing. This growth was generated mainly by OK Furniture, which focuses on the lower end of the market.

The above information has not been reviewed or reported on by Shoprite Holding’s auditors. The Group’s financial results for the review period will be published on Tuesday, 21 February 2012.

Whitey Basson
Chief executive

Carel Goosen
Deputy managing director
Tel 021 980 4000

Sponsor: Nedbank Capital

16 January 2012

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