
Tue Jul 19 07:55:00 UTC 2016


(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration no. 1936/007721/06
ISIN: ZAE000012084
JSE share code: SHP
NSX share code: SRH
LuSE share code: SHOPRITE
(“The Group”)


The Shoprite Group increased total turnover by 14.4% for the 12 months to June 2016 to about R130.03 billion compared to R113.69 billion during the preceding 12 months. The current period comprised 53 weeks compared to 52 weeks in the prior year. On a comparative 52-week basis, turnover growth was 11.6% with like-for-like growth of 5.5%.

After an improved trading performance in the second half of the year, the South African supermarket operation increased sales by 10.9% (8.1% on a 52-week basis). Internal inflation was lower and averaged just 3.9% for the period compared to 4.8% during the corresponding 12 months. 

Sales growth for the Group’s non-RSA supermarkets accelerated to 32.6% (29.0% on a 52-week basis) despite the impact of lower commodity prices and the devaluation of certain currencies.  On a constant currency basis, sales grew by 39.0% (35.3% for the 52-week period). 

The Group’s furniture division grew sales by 15.3% for the period (12.5% on a 52-week basis), with the OK Furniture brand still the best performer. 

The Other Operating Segments achieved growth of 12.8% (11.9% on a 52-week basis).

The above financial information has not been reviewed or reported on by Shoprite Holding’s auditors. The financial results for the review period will be published on or about Tuesday, 23 August 2016. 

Whitey Basson            Carel Goosen
Chief executive            Deputy managing director

Tel 021 980 4000 

Date issued:               19 July 2016
Sponsor:                     Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking

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